Need food support? | The Salvation Army

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Need food support?

Smiling Salvation Army staff holding a food parcel

We do all we can to provide food support to people in times of hardship that meets their unique needs. Many foodbanks offer people choice over the food they access, providing a greater level of control, deeper connections, as well as minimising waste.

If you are in a desperate situation and do not have enough money to provide for yourself or your family, we can help. Our aim is to give you a helping hand so that you can gain a greater level of control over your life. 

A lack of money is often the reason that people come to us for help. Alongside short-term assistance with food, clothing, and furniture, we link people into longer-term support such as parenting classes, short-term housing and budgeting advice. Our staff work with people to assess their correct benefit entitlements and help deal with various government departments.

How do I get assistance?

Our support is provided through our Community Ministries centres and corps (churches). It's best to contact a Salvation Army centre near you directly. If you need help finding their number or are short on credit, Freephone 0800 53 00 00

» Find a Salvation Army centre in your area

What will happen when I go to a Salvation Army centre?

When you visit one of our centres, you will undergo an assessment with one of our staff. If you are on a benefit, we will check to make sure you are receiving it in full, which can sometimes make a huge difference. 

The assessment is also an opportunity to find out if any of our other services could help improve your situation.